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Writer's pictureFreedompatriotdefenderstrt .

Warning given 111


To all Intel agencies monitoring Telegram or any mainstream media fool who may come across this message let me tell you something.

If you think we have forgotten about COVID and your genocidal jabs - We haven't.

If you think we will fall for your Ukraine propaganda - We won't.

If you think we will toe the line - We never will.

You underestimated us, you underestimated our resolve to see this through. To chase the truth wherever it may lead us, unafraid of your threats or your fear mongering.

We are your biggest nightmare.

You can censor us, attack us, you can write all of the hit pieces and propaganda you want but you will never stop an idea who's time has come and that idea is the total anhialation of everything you built for yourselves in this world. The empire you once had is no more and will be resigned to the horrors of history as the dark days of humanity.

Your sickening deeds and murky deals are being put in front of the world for all to see and each and every one of you who has participated in the enslavement of the human race will pay the ultimate price for your crimes.

Nothing can stop what is coming.


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04 may 2022


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