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Rose Brown

To All FPD members;

As you all know, this weekend is Labor Day weekend, when we as citizens pay tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers. When the labor movement was actively working to fight for American workers' rights in the late 19th Century, the effort was marked by protests, strikes, and even riots.

Today, many patriots are actively engaged in very visible ways in an ongoing effort to further the cause of American patriots across the nation in the present day. For many of us, though, the ongoing struggle is more subtle as we face the very real fact that we are often labeled as extremists, and worse.

But our struggle to preserve the Republic of the United States is no less important than the struggle of our forebears who struggled to first create this country and later struggled to recognize the importance of the American workforce.

Labor Day also symbolizes the end of summer for many of us as children return to school and we move into the autumn and winter seasons . As such, it represents one last opportunity to enjoy the pleasures of summer.

This Labor Day, take the opportunity to enjoy time with your family and friends. If you are or have been part of the great American workforce, we salute you.

Have some fun. Be safe. Remember the people who have worked hard to make this country great and the reasons why we do what we do in an effort to protect the country and preserve the ideas upon which it was founded.

Have a safe and pleasant Labor Day weekend.

As always National Command FPD/TRT

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